How Does Jesus Picture God?

Ask a philosopher or theologian, "Who is God?" and he or she will use words like incorporeality, omnipotence, omniscience, or omnipresence.

Ask Jesus, "Who is God?" and he will likely answer, "God is like" and then point you to something in the created world. Or he’ll tell a short story with clues about God in one of the characters.

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What Jesus Believes Jack Harding What Jesus Believes Jack Harding

What Fragments Us?

Jesus often told stories to shine light on what is real. He could have made use of ‘normal’ language (x, y, z is the case), or spelled it out ‘scientifically’ (here are the reasons x, y, z are the case). After all, his closest friends often shouted their point of view, used physical force, or ran from trying. But, Jesus answers what fragments us, by us asking us to imagine what life would be like in a world where x, y, z are arranged in a way where… and so begins the journey.

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